Prints start at $29.90
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Printed on 100% cotton, acid-free, heavyweight paper using HDR UltraChrome Archival Ink,
this artwork reflects our commitment to the highest color, paper, and printing standards.

Ready to hang, this image is printed onto a 450gsm white finish, 100% cotton canvas and stretched over 1.5” deep wood stretcher bars (3/4” for XS). Each print comes with wall hanging hardware.
Printed on archival-quality photo paper mounted on the back of a 1/8" thick, clear acrylic substrate,
this artwork comes ready to hang on a wire attached to a wooden frame fixed on the back.
Printed on a .045” thick aluminum sheet, this print is crisp, high gloss, lightweight, and water resistant.
It comes with a proprietary 1/2" aluminum shadow mount allowing for easy installation.
Printed on a .045” thick aluminum sheet, this print is crisp, high gloss, lightweight, and water resistant.
It comes with a proprietary 1/2" aluminum shadow mount allowing for easy installation.

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